Chapter 78

“I’ll be home soon. I just need to do this, for me.”

Matt nodded, resigned. “Are you meeting the creep in public?”

“Amanda’s having another party tonight. I’ll be around friends.”

“Figures,” Matt said. “He was hanging around high school kids when he picked you up. Only fitting he’d be caught at another underage party.”

Brian got up and moved over to his closet again, rifling through his clothes.

* * * *

It had just gone after six-thirty when Brian heard his brother head over to Jake’s room and wish him good night. His level of fucked up shit for involving his brother in his shit even surprised him, but this was it. He was going to man up and break things off with that piece of shit and then concentrate on doing better for his brother and his uncle. And maybe Oliver, too. But he couldn’t think of that right now. He had to get through tonight first and then get things back on track with his uncle.