
Chapter 20

Castiel was not blind. It was clear as day that his mate was drawn to him. Every gentle touch carried Jason’s need for contact, bright eyes followed after Castiel as though he could not bear to lose sight of him. Patient instruction and a content home were given freely by Jason, as though being careless with Castiel would make him leave forever.

Surely Jason knew that he was not leaving, at least not permanently. Yes, he had to return to his kin to warn them of what had happened, and he certainly needed to turn his command over to his Second until Jason’s time on Earth was finished. But duty called for only a short time and then he could stay with his mate. He had to. Even setting aside all the human things he wanted to experience with his mate, he would not be able to take Jason with him to the Rift and beyond it to Castiel’s home if he did not cement his claim on the human.