“Flowers for sale!” he called with a dry mouth. The air was laced with dust kicked up from the parched ground. Wes coughed, took a sip from his hip flask, and called again, “Flowers for sale! Marvelous flowers that will never wilt nor fade, not even in this heat! Two dollars each or three for five!” His sips became more desperate, until he found himself shaking the last drops from his flask. The joust was fast approaching, and Wes needed to get to the field, but he needed water even more.
“Pickles!” came the familiar cry. “Sweet and salty pickles! Cold and crisp and delicious!”
Wes hustled over to Jared’s cart, swallowing hard as he went. “Good morrow!” he greeted.
“Good morrow, good sir!” Jared replied. “Care for a pickle? They’re quite a mouthful. Guaranteed to fill you up in all the right ways!”
“Alas, I have not come for a taste of your famous pickle,” said Wes. “I require two bottles of your finest water.”