Chapter 22

“Well, what do you think?” Dave asked as they both reached for their door handle.

“Interesting. It’s workable,” was her answer.

“Then we’re on for Friday? You should know that not only will we be going into West Virginia, but we’ll be visiting Philly, too.”

“If everything runs as smoothly as today went, I see no problem with it. Did I live up to Ruth’s recommendation?” Cam got out of the car but left the driver’s door open for Dave.

“Perfectly, so far,” he complemented her as he walked around to the driver’s side. “I’ll pick you up here at seven A.M. on Friday.”

“Okay, thanks, Dave,” she said.

“See you Friday,” he said. He got into the car and drove off.

Cam jogged into the building and into an elevator. When the door opened on the sixth floor, she sprinted to the end of the corridor and slipped her key into the lock.

“I’m home,” she called as she entered the condo and closed the door behind her.