Chapter 23

“I’m sure you had your fair share of excitement, trying to survive in the wilderness, and then working for bootleggers.”

“I suppose.” Leander took a drink of his wine then set the glass down on the end table. He turned to Caiden, raking his gaze slowly over him. “I know it’s a bit early,” he said huskily, “but…”

“You have to leave,” Caiden replied, although the doubted that’s what Leander meant.

“Not at all. I was wondering if a soldier and a bootlegger could find a common ground. Say, in bed?”

“I don’t see why not,” Caiden replied, repressing a grin.

“Your bed?”

“It is closer.” Caiden stood, offering his hand to Leander. As soon as Leander was on his feet, Caiden pulled him into a tight embrace, kissing his hungrily. From there, things went as both men wanted and while it was early, as Leander had pointed out, that gave them a chance to make love more than once before they fell into exhausted sleep. 8