Chapter 8

“Thanks for the nice day, Charlie. Maybe we can do it again sometime soon.”

“It was a nice day. I actually liked getting out of the office with you.”

“Have a nice night, my friend.” He waved goodbye and drove away, leaving me on the sidewalk with an unfamiliar tingle in my stomach and wobbling legs.

* * * *

I had another dream about Thor and Superman that night. The two were on top of the US Steel building in downtown Pittsburgh. Their capes blew in the May wind and among the ominous clouds that were a purple-black and circled the city. The two were at war in the dream, head to head. Superman wouldn’t hug, kiss, or sleep with Thor, which outraged Thor. All hell broke loose on top of the skyscraper, some sixty-four floors up, the tallest building in the city.

When I woke up the next morning, I sat in bed and thought, Damn, my head is fucked up. All the way.

* * * *