Chapter 12

Probably someone taking a piss, or trying to find a place to crash. Still, no sense asking for trouble.

He continued walking, checking the top of the wall every few minutes. When he didn’t see anything other than the occasional pedestrian on the other side of the trees, he turned back. After one more check to be certain it was safe, he scrambled up to his hidey-hole and settled in for the night, knowing the early morning sun would wake him in time to get to work.

* * * *

Didn’t figure on this. The man watched as the teen climbed up to a hole underneath the bridge. I guess it means Jourdain hasn’t gotten his claws into the kid all the way—yet. So how do I stop that from happening?

He eased back from the shadows under the tree and began walking to where he’d left his car, a few blocks away. He was almost there when he heard someone call his name. He turned and saw a man he knew from work.

“I didn’t expect to run into you down here, Finn,” the man said.