“I’m about to fall on my face myself,” Noah told him with an amused smile as he and Ewan headed to the door. “So that’s not happening…tonight.”
“Or in the morning, unfortunately,” Ewan added with obvious frustration. “We’re due at the diner at five-thirty.”
“Poor babies,” Cody said as they left.
* * * *
“I’ll poor babyhim,” Ewan grumbled as he and Noah walked to the elevator to go down to Noah’s apartment.
Noah laughed then turned serious. “Do you think the man he let in was a life-sucker?”
“I do, and so do you. I take it the thing wasn’t still in Cody’s apartment?”
“No. But how did you know I was checking?”
Ewan shrugged as they got on the elevator. “You asked if you could use the bathroom. Something I gather you never have before. Asking I mean. I sort of figured you were letting me know you intended to see if the thing was around.”
“I was. What would we have done if it had been?”
“Called Arik—since you’re not toting around a blowtorch.”