“Teen? Young man?”
“Young man works—although I’m not all that sure light-hearted reallylurks in here, somewhere.” Sean tapped his chest.
“It’s there,” Ken said seriously. “I’ve seen it. Like now, and at dinner the other night, though it was just peeking out then, as if you were testing the waters.”
“I suppose I was,” Sean admitted.
“Well, come on in,” Ken told him, smiling. “The water’s fine.”
“So is the man I’m looking at,” Sean said quietly.
“But you’re not about to drag me off to the preacher,” Ken retorted with a grin. “To use your expression.”
“Not yet. Maybe never. Who knows? But for damned sure I want to spend more time in bed with you.”
“It’ll happen, but not right this minute. We need to eat, then get ready for tonight.”
“Yeah.” Sean sobered. “That would be a good idea.”
Now if he will let his fun side out more often. Ken wondered if that was possible as they got up, dressed, and went back downstairs.