Chapter 35

After filtering through a bubbly bank teller and a tiny, efficient secretary, he was led into a nearby office. To his great relief, the man sitting behind the desk was the same man he’d seen talking to Ronan the night before. After Morris Swansby’s secretary had introduced the two men, Mr. Swansby wasted no time getting down to business. “Why have you come, son?”

“I’ve been working out at the Malloy Farm and I believe you came out there last night.”

“I did.”

“And I’ve got to say, with the utmost respect, that your timing is, well, just plain shitty.”

Mr. Swansby’s great bristle brush mustache twitched before he chuckled. “I like your gumption, boy, so I’ll tell it to you straight. I agree, my visit came at a bad time, but the Malloys were behind in their payments before the junior Mr. Malloy’s accident and certainly before the senior Mr. Malloy’s heart attack. I’m afraid my hands are tied.”

“Nearly,” Felix said.
