Chapter 43

Immediately he regretted sending the message, afraid Russell would tell him to buzz off, losing the only chance to reconcile.

“Idiot!” he cursed.

Maybe Russell wouldn’t write back. And Reggie deserved it because—


I give you permission to kick my ass when you’re here.

Reggie allowed himself a deep breath of relief. God was real…

I’ll do it no doubt, be sure of that,he typed.

Russell shot back, So you accept?

Sure I do.

I knew you would.

“What a son of…” Reggie exclaimed, attracting the attention of an older man reading the newspaper in the armchair beside him.

The man gave him a disapproving look but Reggie didn’t notice, so wrapped up was he in his emotions. He let out a laugh that was close to hysteria.

Then he found himself wiping away a tear. He was laughing and crying at the same time. Most of all, he was chatting with Russell, almost as if what had happened between them on Sunday hadn’t. Eliminated by tweets.

God, how much he missed this…