“I asked Sister Monique where Sebastian came from. She said he was from an orphanage in Bucharest, Romania. American social workers brought several Romanian orphans to the US to be adopted by families here. The children were required to have some documents with them, at least something that stated their names and the name of the place they were from. Romania twenty to twenty-five years ago was in a chaotic state, so as long as those children could produce their papers when asked, the social workers would just bring those kids along with them. Look here.”
“What’s this?”
“This is the copy of the paper Sebastian had with him when he left the country. He kept it with him all the time.”
“Castelul Borsa,” read Miles.
“Yes, and the social workers thought it was the name of an orphanage there.”
“It wasn’t?” Miles asked, surprised, his unease growing by the minute.
“Not at all. We did some research, made a few calls, and we found out that it wasn’t an orphanage. It was a mental asylum.”