Chapter 15

On the screen, Faustina narrowed her eyes at him. “Hey, look, Rainy, I can’t do the whole small talkthing tonight. Too tired. So shoot. Tell me everything. Now. Go.”

He couldn’t hide anything from his big sister, anyway. There was no point in even trying. They were so close, people often mistook them for twins. Why did she have to move so far away? “It’s been a weird week,” he said. “The apartment is great. I really do love it. And Pip’s school seems decent. I think he might do well there. I have to speak with the principal next week. I don’t know.” Rain stared down into his glass. He knew nothing. He’d lost all landmark points. “When I left Milo, I was so convinced I was doing the right thing, that I could do this, and now I’m not so sure anymore. Maybe he’s right, you know? Maybe I should have stayed at home and tried to work it out with him.”