Chapter 14

“So he was pissed.”

“And told me so in my store, very loudly. Threw his present into a display, tried to kick Mother. At least one child wet himself and all the other kids were terrified at the shouting. I tried to reason with him calmly but had to shove him out. Katie called the police, but he was gone by then.” Kiko drank the last of his wine, set the empty glass on the coffee table. “It was thestory in Mount Angus, not just that year but the year after that.”


“I hate the day. Glad you do, too.”

“Well,” said Dom, setting his empty glass down and leaning in close, “I can promise you I won’t do that.”

Now that Katie and Elena were gone and Kiko was full of the warmth and ease of the alcohol, he wanted very much to simply respond to what his body was feeling. And right now, Dom’s closeness and the fact that they had barely started kissing earlier were enough for him to turn and plant his lips on Dom’s before he could say anything else.