“Did you?”
“No,” said Dom.
“We looked,” said Kiko. “In the boxes Sarah gave us for the Heartstival raffle. It wasn’t there.”
“And would you say you are currently engaged in looking for said album?”
“What?” asked Dom before he could stop himself. Gordon looked up from his notes.
“Are you investigating the loss of the album?” He paused, sighed a sigh that seemed too large for his slight body. “I suppose I should ask if you boys are looking into the murder, too. It’s not your job.”
“We found her,” said Dom, ignoring the look Kiko gave him.
“No, Mr. Heuer discovered the body, from what you all said.”
Dom was briefly shocked that Gordon remembered Chad’s name without looking it up, but then he had arrested Chad’s mother. Maybe that was enough. Still, it wasn’t anywhere near an explanation for why he never could seem to remember Dom or Kiko’s names.
“That’s right,” said Kiko.
Gordon grunted and then did something Dom was shocked to witness: he came to the point.