
Chapter 44

Up I went, fingers like grappling hooks, feet sure and steady, sweat trickling down my face. I gripped, I shimmied, I pulled and yanked, the animal in me taking complete control, until, not ten minutes later, I reached the grate. It was small, maybe a couple of feet tall and wide, made of metal, but not the same steel as the bars and the wall far below. I grabbed it, flecks of tan paint crumbling beneath my grasp. I could tug at it, but if it gave, so more than likely would I, both it and me surely falling to the earth below. Ouch. And no thanks.

Which is why I grabbed onto the rocks on either side, lifted my feet up, placed them on the grate, and, BAM!, kicked with all my might. Now then, my might, it should be noted, is, well, fucking mighty. In other words, I kicked and the grate promptly broke free from its rocky prison.