Matthew frowned.
He pulled out more.
A Post-It note: Is the possibility I love you the reason you continue to leave?
The back of a grocery store receipt: I still remember the day I met you. Yes, I would do it all over again.
A page torn from a notebook: I went to the park today for lunch. The sun cast its rays out over the water, and the way the surface sparkled made me think of you. How, you might ask? Because everything brings you to mind. There are all these little moments in life, the ones people either miss or take for granted. I want to share them with you. I sat there on that bench today, wishing for you to sit down beside me. We could have talked about the new Hugh Jackman movie or about your next book. Or the weird leggings Heidi is always wearing. Did you send her the pair with the mini Eiffel Towers all over them? I guess what I keep trying to say is, I miss you, Matt.
A gum wrapper: Please, please, please come back to me.