
Chapter 16

“I need you to protect Coop. He’s all I got.” Colt inhaled and ran his nose along Dean’s bristled cheek.

Dean knew two things at this moment. One, he didn’t want to get off Colt’s lap ever, and, two, he wanted so badly to kiss Colt. Colt must have felt the same because he leaned close, staring at Dean’s mouth, and placed a gentle but fiery kiss on Dean’s lips. He lingered and did it again. Dean’s body went up in flames. Colt’s taste was better than his scent. Dean couldn’t believe a simple but powerful kiss could make him…

When the computer pinged, they jumped, and Coop came running. Dean almost got dumped on his ass on the floor in all the excitement. Colt grabbed Dean’s hand and squeezed, giving him a look and a wink.

“Okay, what have we got here?” Colt clicked on the ping, and it was Mikey’s phone. “Okay, let’s see…”