Chapter 14

“And the next time?” I ventured. Her saying the first timehad stuck in my head.

“That’s when I moved back here. Vinnie was livid when he saw me. I had a big bruise on my cheek. He was ready to go to Philadelphia and have her arrested.”

“But he didn’t,” I added. She shook her head.

Our talking stopped as I had to watch the downtown traffic in Baltimore. Finally, I turned on my GPS, and we were on Route 301, which stretched across the flats that formed the land east of Chesapeake Bay and west of the Atlantic Ocean.

“Welcome to Delaware,” a sign read.

“Where are we going?” Mickey asked me.

“Either Rehoboth or Dewey Beach, whichever looks good to you.”

“Everything looks good to me,” Mickey said. “There seem to be a lot of vineyards around here.”

“If you want, we can stop and taste a few, and then get some to bring back home.”

“No, let’s see where we’re going first.”

I looked down at the clock on the dashboard. It was 3:30 already. Finally, we pulled into Rehoboth Beach.