Chapter 35

It was as if the universe was underlining my decision to move the hell on, already, and I was even getting help from my unrequited crush. What the fuck?

I looked at that message again, trying to decide if I really wanted to open that particular door. What do you have to lose?a voice whispered inside my head. Everything.

I waited until closer to bedtime when I was propped up against the pillows with my laptop. I replied to the message: I’ll participate in the competition, but don’t expect anything else.

I hit SEND and brought up one of my favorite videos so I could apply Nature’s best sleeping pill.

* * * *

That Saturday afternoon around four, while I worked in the barn cleaning out stalls, I heard a throat clear behind me. I turned to see Sam leaning against the stall door near where I wielded a pitchfork. The fact that he looked good in snug jeans and a dark blue polo shirt was so not the point of his being here, though it was a good distraction.