Chapter 63

“Let him go, Malakion. He’s an innocent.”

“Innocent? Then why were you following him? He’s the same boy from the ruins earlier today. Is he Micha?”

Sully struggled and Eli regretted any anger he’d had toward Sully in the past year because he knew in a second or two Malakion could carry out his threat, and Sully’s short life would be extinguished.

“He’s not Micha. He’s no one. Just a tourist who happened to be at the ruins today.”

“Liar! He was with the boy who knew your name!” Malakion hissed. “Instead of pushing the dark brown-haired boy, I should have bashed his head in with a rock.”

“You have every right to be angry with me, but he’s not a part of any of this.” Eli moved his hand over his pocket and felt the hilt of the angel sword. He measured how much time he had before Malakion made a move. Eli knew that in any second Malakion could crush Sully’s windpipe and if the action was severe and violent enough it would kill Sully instantly.