Chapter 62

Sully had mentioned he saw the hooded man from the ruins—or least someone matching the clothing from earlier—right as they were leaving the hospital. By the time Eli attempted reconnaissance of the area, any trace of Malakion had disappeared. If he had been there, there was no proof.

Eli couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was the excitement of Adam finding out about Josh. Maybe it was his anxiety about discovering Malakion was lurking about. In either case, hanging out in the hotel listening to Adam and Josh catch up wasn’t the place for him. He and Adam could catch up later, if Adam ever decided to forgive him.

It was funny how they looked and talked so much alike. Adam was much older, the gray peeking through the dark hair, and a little heavier than Josh was now. Micha’s amber eyes, Adam’s amber eyes—well, they distinguished him from Josh—but they were both headstrong in temperament.