Chapter 65

Sully shook his head. “I can’t believe it. I don’t know what just happened. With my wound, or your ankle. But I just saw what I saw.”

Eli stood up and washed his hands in the bathroom. He took a laundry bag hanging in the closet and threw the contents of the trashcan into it, then tied it up. Eli yawned. “Remind me to throw this in the trash chute down the hall. I don’t want housekeeping finding this tomorrow. Okay, Josh?”

Josh nodded.

“Wait a minute. I think I have a right to know what all of this is all about?” Josh waved his hands as he spoke. “So is someone finally going to tell me what the hell is going on?”

Eli chuckled as he fought to stay awake. He lay on the floor and stretched his arms as he yawned again.

“Why is he laughing?” Sully asked.

“Wow, I think the night’s activities have worn me down a little. I know I promised you answers.”

Josh interrupted. “Sully, hell has nothing to do with it. Are you going to explain it to him? Because I can.”