Chapter 66

Adam sighed. “He’s an ex. I thought I was in love with him at one time. Met him in nursing school, actually. Dated seriously for a while, then broke up, then got back together. And, we’ve been broken up a while.”

“But, you still care for him? I mean you still have his photo?”

“I think I cared more about the idea of him, of having someone in my life. He was a toxic person and someone that I thought I could trust, but I found out I couldn’t. But, I think you’re too young for me to poison you about an old man’s ideas.” Adam cross his small studio and flicked on the bathroom light. “You think Eli saw that photo, too? Is that why he left so quickly when he got here?”

“I don’t know if he saw it. Sully said he wanted to get coffee, so I just assume Eli wanted to get some, too.” Josh paused. “Do you like Eli?”