Chapter 22

“It is good that you know to curl your fingers when holding food to cut, and always watch the knife. If someone talks to you, stop cutting or put the knife down. You do no good bleeding all over my kitchen.”

“Does that include now? I mean, you’re talking to me.”

“You’re a smartass. Good. I like that. Maybe you’ll last, huh?”

At three P.M., Brian’s shift ended. Rico grabbed his shoulder as he turned to leave. “You did good. You know a lot. I can teach you more if you pay attention, but go to sleep tonight knowing you did good. Okay?”

Warmth flowed through Brian. Rico winked and Brian drove home exhausted.

There, he found Jim waiting for him. He pulled Brian close, kissing his cheek. “You look tired?”

“Tired came and went four hours ago. Now I’m just the walking dead.”

He filled Jim in on his day as they descended to the basement, stripped to their briefs, and lay for a nap, holding hands. Brian popped a boner and wanted to hug and kiss Jim, but fell asleep instead.