“Your room’s all ready for you.” Mom’s brows knit. “You look peaked. I hope you’re not coming down with anything.”
“I don’t think I am. Just worn out. Maybe a little motion sickness. I dunno.” I picked up my bag. She didn’t seem particularly reassured by the anemic smile I added for good measure.
“Either way, you need a good night’s sleep. Goodnight, sweetie.” She gave me another hug, clearly not concerned by any virus I might be developing.
“Goodnight, Mom.” Then I nodded toward Dad. “Goodnight.”
I trudged up the stairs like a condemned man taking his final steps toward the gallows. Only in my case, it wouldn’t all be over in a few more minutes, and it probably wasn’t a fair comparison from the perspective of the poor man facing the noose. At least I’d walk away from the events tomorrow, although that seemed like a small comfort in this moment.