“Yep.” I hoped my nervous laugh didn’t sound overly panicky.
The way he cleared his throat told me it probably did. “We’ll see you Friday, then. Greg says we can use his room, and he’ll sleep in the living room.”
“Sounds good.” Better than going over my own room with a fine-toothed comb and letting them sleep there anyway. “See you then.”
We hung up, and I met up with Wes as he emerged from his room with pajama pants in hand.
“You okay with this?” I asked. At least he didn’t look angry.
“I’ll be fine. Never met a boyfriend’s parents before.”
“Don’t worry, they’re predisposed to like you. Mom is, anyway.”
He bit his lip, but his head bobbed slightly. “It’s cool. I guess that’s the thing that makes me a little antsy about this. I do want them to like me.”
“They will.”