She grinned. “You’re probably the only one there on weekends, huh?”
“Pretty much.”
“Lindsey’s an engineer. He teaches at a technical college during the school year, and does consultingduring the summer. He raised me after our parents died when I was ten. He’d been offered a high-paying job right out of grad school—top of his class—when the accident happened, but it would have meant too many hours and not enough time to take care of me.” She sighed. “He rarely takes time for himself, even now that I’m an adult and in school, studying to be an engineer, too. He worries, and I get that, but he forgets I’m eighteen and can take care of myself.” Lisa rolled her eyes.
I laughed. “It’s likely you’re never going to be old enough, you know? Did he chase away boys in high school? Or girls?”
Snickering, she said, “Both. He almost gave himself an ulcer by the time I went to senior prom.”
I could just see a precocious Lisa giving her brother fits. “You two seem very close.”