Bay stood next to the workbench, carefully surveying the room. The shelves along one wall were built-in, not free-standing. So they’re unmovable, but the cabinets…He went to them, studying the floor. If one of these pulls out it doesn’t make any mark in the dust, so…He tested each cabinet anyway, even though he was certain none of them would swing outward without the proper command, if at all. Not unless he’s totally stupid, which he’s not. He did the same with the workbench since there were shelves underneath it which could hide an opening in the floor. Again, nothing.
It was the same in the wine cellar. Lots of shelves—along the wall and free-standing—and none of them showing any indication they could or would move.
Going back upstairs, he rejoined Mattie and Mrs. Johnson. They were in the kitchen, discussing possibleremodeling ideas. “I’d like to see the garage too, if you don’t mind,” he said.
“Of course.”