Sartin snatched the food and stuffed it in his mouth. Cold and rubbery, the fish had never tasted so good. He chewed a couple of times and gulped the mouthful nearly whole. The food in its raw state soothed his stomach. He took another big bite, chewed more carefully, and swallowed. Sartin could feel the energy from the fish transfer to his healing.
Sartin looked up and stopped himself from taking a third bite. The land person stared at him. He loweredthe fish and smiled. The land person broke his watch and returned his attention to the orange light.
It was Sartin’s turn to sit and stare, holding the food in his hand. His hand began to ache. The land person looked up from the blaze in the ground. He grabbed a large leaf and handed it to Sartin. He placedthe fish on the frond, and set it on the ground.
The land person turned his spears again. He looked up and tapped his chest.
“Maru,” the land person said.