They finished their meal in silence. Sartin’s full stomach remained calm, and his energy returned. He rinsed his hands in the water and wiped his face. It was different to have to worry about such things. Normally he jumped into the water after eating and the natural motion of swimming kept him groomed.
Maru also cleaned up with some water in a container. He walked over to the necklace laid out in the sand.He picked it up and offered it to Sartin. This was happening too fast. They had just met, and Maru was already offering a Coupling gift. As best he could, Sartin moved back from Maru and the proffered gift. Maru set the necklace back down and walked away.
At first, Sartin worried Maru would be upset that he’d declined the Coupling gift. Maru displayed no bother. He played in the sand with his hands. He took a handful and looked up at Sartin.
“Sand,” Maru said.
The repeat game. Sartin’s anxiety washed away as he smiled and repeated what he’d heard. “Saannt.”