“No more certainty than that the prince’s men will not sweep in on any given day to take more of us to be slaves in the mines. I believe it is a risk we would be willing to take.”
“I believe you should consult with your friends before you commit them to action,” Castien replied with great firmness.
Beleg nodded. “And so I shall. For now however, given there is a chance the soldiers might not wait until they have told the prince of the red-haired girl to swoop down and take her—well, you…” he looked at Theirn, “I have a place where you may safely hide until I return.”
He gestured for Castien to move and then bent down to release a bolt from the anvil stump. When he had he was able with some difficulty even for a man of his strength to move the stump. A small trapdoor was revealed which he lifted up.
Theirn peered down into the dark space beneath it. “It is rather…small.”