Liam frowned and nudged it closer. Then he stared at me until I caved and took a cookie. It could have been sawdust for all I cared.
I got his confusion, though. Being Swedish, I had fikain my blood and usually I loved these moments in the mornings before starting our days. On a normal day, I could drink coffee, scarf down pastries, and enjoy the great company for hours, or at least until the non-Swedes got bored and wandered off.
But not today. Not when Preston and Sawyer were in Cabin Four, preparing to go back to Albany. I’d never disliked fika as much as I did now.
“…clog in the shower again…”
Drew nudged my leg a second time and I stilled—for five seconds—until the other leg picked up the jiggling.
I really needed to get out of there. I needed to go back to the lake and breathe in the scent of water and bury my face in Neptune’s silky fur and let Greg slobber all over my face. Maybe that would ease the ache in my thumping heart.