Sean’s mother is a little, thin lady with red hair who looks me over and says, “Now I see why he says you’re beautiful.”
I’m reminded of that special moment at the café when Sean first told me I was beautiful.
I don’t know if it’s because of the epiphany I had in Los Angeles when I realized not everyone thinks I’m as disfigured as I think I am. I begin to believe that, in the world’s eyes, there are worse things than my scar. I have to thank Sean for this. And now also his mother, Brigit. Then there’s Neal, Sean’s father. Neal must have had the same hair as Sean when he was younger since it’s still curly but is now blond-grey. Neal asks me to take care of Sean once we’re back in New York. He also tells me he would like Sean to visit home more often, if not move there permanently.
Every other sentence seems to be an invitation for me to move to the Emerald Isle with Sean. But maybe that’s only my imagination.