Chapter 27

“Infidelity is common among rabbits?”

“Fidelity isn’t necessary in a marriage. The only thing that’s not okay is kits born outside the marriage, so most rabbits choose a same-sex partner as a lover.”

“Most rabbits choose same-sex partners?”

“Sure. Rabbits like both sexes.”

He says it like it’s no big deal, and I guess for him it isn’t. I just wish we humans could be equally accepting. “But being heartbound is different?” I ask, returning to the original topic.

He nods. “It’s like…two people not being complete without each other. Two halves making a whole.”

I stiffen. “Feeling empty inside when the other is not around.”

“Yes,” he whispers, his pale blue eyes looking right into my soul.

I shuffle closer to him and lean my forehead against his, making sure no one can listen in on our conversation. “But I’m not a rabbit.”

“I know. Which was why Mom dismissed the idea on the phone at first.”