“He’s all pissy because I lit into him about stalking you through the rally.” Greg waved a calloused hand in dismissal. “Like okay, fine, he wants to be with someone new. Okay. And so what if the guy’s an undergrad—it’s a little weird, he’s a little young for a midlife crisis, but who am I to judge? But that whole thing—like anyone didn’t know what he was up to.” He shook his head again, and Brandon could feel his shoulders tensing up underneath his hands once more. “I wasn’t going to just sit there and not say anything.”
Brandon let his hands fall. “Oh, Greg. I’m so sorry.”
“What the hell for?”
“I never wanted to come between the two of you. You’re friends. You should be doing friend things, not arguing over me.” He turned away, clutching at his drink so he could do something with his hands.