Chapter 45

“She’s pretty,” Chad said as they once again took foot. “She your girlfriend?”

Tucker rolled his eyes, even though his back was to Chad. Chad, as always, was a little bit slower. Maybe it was a combination of mud and expensive shoes this time. “You sure I can’t get just one photo of the—”

Tucker whirled around. He made sure his expression said it all.

“I guess not.” Chad was still somewhat brave, despite his phobias to reptiles. The fact that he was out in a storm as menacing as Hurricane Lori, Tucker figured he must be even braver than he’d turned out to be ten years earlier. When another loud rush of wind started up in the low mountains behind them and roared its way through the park, sounding not unlike the lions at feeding time multiplied by ten, Chad’s grip on Tucker’s elbow said maybe he wasn’t. As pissed as Tucker was, he allowed the hand to stay.

“Chad was never a fan of storms. They petrified him,” Olivia said.