“Where are we going?”
“To the office. There’s a phone there. I’m going to smirk from ear-to-ear watching them haul your sorry ass off.” Tucker scolded himself internally for being so mean.
“You in charge of the whole place, then?” Chad appeared dubious. “You sure don’t look like anyone’s boss.”
With his next breath, however, Tucker was convinced Chad deserved every name he’d called him—and more. “I’m the boss of you right now,” he said. “That’s all that matters.”
“Slow down, can you? Will you? I can hardly see with my glasses so wet.”
“So take ‘em off.”
“Well, then I couldn’t see at all.”
“You’re pretty blind with ‘em on, you ask me.” Tucker stopped along the way to speak with or gently stroke a couple of beasts—the kind that didn’t mind a soaking rain. An elderly rhino stood behind a fence he could easily break through if so inclined. A sign on a tree right beside him identified him as Roy.