“Sometimes a place, a piece of land or a building that has been the site of a great tragedy, can wind up getting scarred. It’s almost like the land curses itself, if that makes any sense. I need to look into anything that might have happened right here, on the farm that this land used to be part of.” He patted the desk and got up. “Thanks, Cameron. That was actually really helpful.”
Reid left the room, and Cameron was left to his own thoughts as he considered the past twenty-four hours. He didn’t think that he liked what he’d seen. He’d just reacted to everything, hadn’t taken an active role in any of the action playing out around him. He’d spent most of his life like that. If he could take charge in his professional life, why couldn’t he do it in the rest of his life?
Okay, there was a bit of a difference between jobs that were a little outside his comfort zone and a bunch of ghosts that wanted him dead, but the principle held. He was sure of it.