Chapter 83

He couldn’t help but wonder if their enemy started out like her. Ambition turned sour. Avarice. And what if the root cause was the talismans and the power they provided? What if they changed people, twisted them into dark and violent shells of themselves? What if Dakota and Terrell met the same fate if they kept using the stones?

It was a terrifying concept, especially considering he wore an activated one twenty-four seven.

Dakota sat down on a small adobe barrier within view of the clinic entrance. A cool breeze whistled through the street and picked up his hair in the process. He’d recently gotten it cut, but he left it a little long, like when he and Terrell first met. “It’ll be a few days before we can make it back to Pennsylvania,” he warned, trying to stay focused. “Can you wait? I’m not saying we’re definitely gonna help you at all, but even if we decide we will, we’re in New Mexico right now.”