Detective Shannon Kerns got the nosy bystanders to move aside as Karl approached, lifting the tape up to allow him under. One of the watching people tried to follow him, but Karl stopped him short with a glare. The man flushed and backed away.
“Nosy buggers.” Shannon muttered as they set off onto the trail, shining her torch ahead of them. “The crowd seems to be building, and the uniforms are getting cranky with them.”
“I’m not surprised.” Karl adjusted his cap. “Shouldn’t they be out getting drunk?”
“Apparently, one of them said you get more excitement sober and looking out the front window.”
Karl grunted.
“He needs to get out more. Where’s the body?”
“Up by Schmitz Creek Bridge.”
“You what? That’s almost on the other side of the park! Why did you tell me to go to the school?”
“Because they had a parking lot with a path straight to the scene.” Shannon kept on walking, easily vaulting a fallen tree. “And at the time, we didn’t know how far in the body was.”