
Chapter 9

“Stray dog chased me up the stairs. But I think he is gone now.” Okay, it sounded plausible. There were plenty of stray cats, so why wouldn’t the occasional stray dog make an appearance?

Tim raised an eyebrow. “Stray dog, huh? What kind was it?”

At this point my mind raced with all the possible dog choices. I couldn’t think of one that sounded dangerous enough, so I just picked the first thing that came to my mind.

“It was a mutt. Couldn’t really tell what kind of mix. But it was big.”

“Aww, that sounds cute. I’ve always wanted a dog. Babe, can I have a mutt?” Charlie squealed.

“Sure thing. We can start looking after we are done.” Charlie giggled and ran back to the bedroom. Tim followed, but not before turning back and sending a confident smirk my way.7

After the Peeping Tom incident, things just simply got worse. Charlie was staying over more and more, and sometimes would even stay the night. I tried to remind Tim that we had an agreement, but it never got me anywhere.