
Chapter 33

“Don’t worry, honey. It won’t be forever, and we’ll come visit. I promise.”

Old anger woke up and kicked around Kaeva’s insides, and he fixated on the roar of ocean waves off to their left, the rise and fall of sand dunes, and the sway of tall grasses in the constant ocean breeze. The sun was out and growing high above their heads, burning off fog and leaving the ground steaming in spring humidity. Soon enough, Kaeva would be done with his part in this poor man’s play, and he’d be back at his cabin, jacking off and cooking veggies and venison skewers over the firepit.

He’s not my problem, Kaeva told himself, over and over to the rhythm of his footsteps. Four more miles, and we’re done. He’s not my problem.

“Hey Chief Thundercloud, wait up, would you?” Eddie panted around the words, and Kaeva halted and spun.