
Chapter 42

His good mood lasted about fifteen minutes, when it became obvious Kaeva had no intentions of slowing down to let Eddie catch up. Eddie didn’t blame Kaeva for the way Kaeva was reacting. Eddie had serious doubts Kaeva had done anything to bring the task on himself, and the gods knew if Eddie had been in the same situation, Eddie would probably be feeling a little put out as well. Add in the disaster potential, and Eddie had no trouble understanding Kaeva’s distress. He’d tell Kaeva that too, if the fucking fuck would ever slow down to the point that Eddie could get close enough to do it.

The view was nice: long, hard, thigh and calf muscles, and an ass Eddie could have bounced stones off of, but it was hard to enjoy when one was cursing those muscles’ ability to kick Eddie’s ass. Eddie felt like the donkey following the proverbial carrot. He never closed the distance; he never got the chance to bite.