“That’s not really like him.” Ben put a hand on Lennon’s, and the fear subsided. “He’s a mercenary. He comes from Alabama. He enlisted to get out of extreme poverty; we’re still not sure he didn’t falsify his age somehow. Anyway, he didn’t find it as lucrative as he’d hoped.”
“That’s the last dumb mistake he ever made.” Townsend shook his head and pulled his food back over to himself. “He went to work for a defense contractor as soon as he could, and then he went into business for himself. He’s ruthless, and extremely competent. We’re pretty sure he lives up in Canada now.”
Lennon shuddered. Jamal wouldn’t have failed to drown him. It wouldn’t have mattered how hard Lennon fought; he’d just have prolonged the inevitable.
“Well, he’s a couple million dollars poorer now.” Rada sat back with a self-satisfied smirk. “A pile of completely fictional people made anonymous donations to the food bank. So there’s that.”