“No, I’ll figure it out when I see him next. For now, let’s go on a patrol, and this time, let’s bring a bloody torch!”
He mounted, and they rode off into the gloom.
* * * *
Libs waited for Jane to notice him, as usual. This time, she was cleaning under her nails with the edge of a dagger. He could smell blood on the air, and it was too fresh to be from the last time he’d been here. Someone else had drawn her ire while he’d been away.
“Libby, darling, you’ll never guess what I heard from some of my friends at the Saloon.” Jane’s lips turned up at the corners, but her eyes were hard.
“What was that, miss?” Libs asked steadily.
“Oh, just that you met up with a little Ranger, and that he seduced you.” She hissed the last bit of the sentence like it were poison.
Jane paced back and forth in front of him a few times, coat swishing as she did. “So, what information do you have for me, Libby dear? Do you know why he’s here?”
He shook his head slowly.