“Where’s Stella? She’ll know all about Jane’s system, then we can log the information so that when our back-up arrives, they’ll have a clear picture of what’s going on.”
“What is going on, Rory?”
“We have to stay here, at least until we have more people to help with restoring order to this place. We can’t leave Jane here without someone to keep watch. Do you think Stella’s at the Saloon?”
“Possibly. That barkeeper chap does seem friendly to her.”
“Good. You can be certain of one thing, Blaise. Jane isn’t going to just let us take the station into our control without a struggle.”
* * * *
The first thing Rory noticed when stepping into the usually laid-back bar was the tension in the air. He surveyed the room with hard eyes, tightening his stance and ready to draw his weapon at the first sign of trouble.