Chapter 31

He pulled up the blanket and turned onto his side before he realized he’d left the light on. Probably should for Lance anyway, so he settled in, the exhaustion finally clawing at him. He’d held it back for too many days and now he just wanted to give in. He closed his eyes and drifted off instantly.

But his eyes flew open at the sound of the bathroom door opening. He sucked in his breath at the sight of Lance wearing a pair of fleece pajama bottoms and no shirt. Fuck, he was so hot. A tight, lean body with golden hair sprinkled across his chest, traveling down to dive under his waist band. Wade’s cock hardened at the idea of what was hidden under those—oh, God, were they Minions pants?—and bit his lower lip.

The lights went out and Lance joined him in bed.

Both knew the other was awake and neither said anything. For about three minutes.

“Awkward much?” Lance whispered.