Chapter 61

Once the waitress left, Lance cocked his head. “I didn’t know you liked tea.”

“Just recently started drinking it. Lorna has always liked tea, but I never really had the taste for it. But a couple of months ago she made some green tea with blueberries and it was great. I’ve been trying different teas ever since. So far, I pretty much only like green tea and I definitely add sugar.”

“I’ve never tried blueberry tea, but I’ve had it with raspberries. It was pretty good.”

“We’ll have to make some, then.”

His heart beat harder in his chest. It was silly, but Wade’s words spoke of the future, like they were making some plans together. Yes, it was only about a beverage, but it was the way he’d said it.

Over lunch, they chatted about their day and what to expect tonight when they decorated the tree. Apparently they had large plastic tubs of ornaments that had barely seen the light of day since Wade’s mother had passed on.