Chapter 32

Chase might have had a point with the pretentious comment, even if he hadn’t meant it.

“What are you in the mood for?” Chase asked.

Trevor joined him on the floor, sitting a lot closer than was strictly necessary, but not quite touching. As if he didn’t have his movies memorized. “Nothing emotional. Hard no on Dancer in the Dark,” he added as Chase paused on that page.

“Action? Horror? Porn?”

“Shameis not porn!”

“Uh-huh.” Chase grinned as he turned the page.

“It’s an award winner.” Trevor bumped his shoulder against Chase’s, a little thrill running through him when Chase bumped back.

“Nothing to do with seeing Michael Fassbender’s dick.”

“It’s award-winning dick.”

Chase laughed and turned the page again. “How about a horror? My old group refused to watch it with me because I am such a baby about it—I will scream and clutch your arm and embarrass myself completely. You know, forewarning.”